Updated: Recent Prices of Food Commodities In Nigerian Market

Foodstuff market is one of the most important aspect of the stock market.The prices of these food commodities are on the rise, hence the need for an update on current prices of food items.

Here at Sylvafoods, we have painstakingly researched through various clients, markets traders and farmers nationwide to get the current prices of this food items.

Please note that these prices of foodstuffs is cut across different Nigerian markets and might stay this way throughout first quarter of 2022.

Current Price of Groundnut across various Nigerian Market

50kg bag of Groundnut - #31,000 100kg bag of Groundnut -#60,000

1 tonne - #600,000


Price of Maize

100kg bag of Maize at Gboko Benue is #13,500 100kg bag of Maize at Lagos State(Mile 12) #14,000 Kaduna - #13,000

Current Price of Palm Oil across Nigerian Market

Average price of 25Litres of Palm oil is between #21,000 - #24,000 depending on the market. It is actually cheaper in the south-southern states like Akwa-Ibom, Delta, Edo, Imo etc.

Current Price Of Rice in Nigerian Market

Average Price of rice with Sylvafoods is #23,000 per 50kg, #46,000 per 100kg, #460,000 per tonne.

Current Price Of Soyabean

Average price of Soyabean is #14,000 per 100kg, #140,000 per tonne.

Prices of Onions

At Danawau Market in Kano, 100kg bag of Onions is sold for #14,000 - #16,000 depending on the market day. We hope this update was helpful. Please drop your comments on the comment box for an instant response. You can also visit:

Buy Peeled and Unpeeled Groundnut

Cashew Nuts For Sale In Large Quantity

Buy Oron Crayfish In Bulk
